«FLIXA» is compact game and does not require the use of the playing field or chips. It can be played not only at home or in the office, but also in the open air, in transport while traveling, at the events, in a cafe. To play the game, each of the players only need to be able to read, write and count.
The main goal of the game is to multiply your start-up capital and earn more than other players in five game years by trading in the stock exchange, building a business or working in the real estate market.
The game includes 4 types of unprofitable «penny» shares - B1, B2, B3, B4 and EU bonds, yielding a small income. The real estate market is represented by six types of assets from land to shopping centers. The prices for these assets are constantly changing in the game as the game cards are opened on the table, which makes it possible to earn not only on a rental payment, but also on the market price spread. There is an opportunity to create and develop your business from one stand to the whole network and sell it to an angel investor in the game.
The game lasts from 3 to 10 game years. One game year is one deal of game cards on a table. After the cards are opened, the year ends. At the end of the year, the players calculate the profit from assets and increase capital. The winner is the one who formed the maximal capital.
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